Marked Store — MARKED

Marked Store

When was the last time you check out the Marked Store? We have a selection of items hand-made by people in our community! 

We have added a few new items that we are excited to share with you! 

One of our hearts desires is to see entrepreneurs come to life, creating sustainability for their families, homes as well as Marked.


Today we want to introduce you to Ariana and Joel. Ariana has been attending our moms group for sometime, and Joel joined our soccer team just a few months back, leaving behind a life of heartbreak and crime. They have one little guy and a baby on the way. 


We have seen so much transformation in this little family, and creating this job for them is just another step in their journey ahead into living a full, healthy, and hope-filled life. 

Every purchase goes straight back to the Marked community, and the families that make these beautiful items. 

Check out: TODAY! 

Also a sneak peak at one of our earrings!