We LOVE Summer!!! I know we have said that before! But genuinely we do.
This past week we did a “soft launch” of our summer classes, but before word got out, we wanted to see how many kids would show up when “nothing” was planned. And show up, they did! When our staff arrived Monday morning, there were 84 little faces waiting for them to simply hang out. What the kids didn’t know was that we would be breaking them into groups and hosting the first day of “camp” so to speak.
This summer we are partnering with the city of Poncitlán to host courses all summer long. Everything from science to sports, “ethics” aka Bible to music. The kids will daily get to spend a 2 hour window with us, with a hearty and healthy snack included.
We cant wait to see what the weeks bring, and how many more kids show up as soon as word hits the street!
Happy Summer!