It’s hard to believe we are at the close of yet another year. 2019 was focused on establishing. Establishing sustainable rhythms and routines for our communities, but also for our MARKED staff and families. 2019 has been yet again another monumental year for us, we are pleased to inform you that because of you, our generous partners, this has once again proved to be our most successful year to date.
With your support both financially and of your time, we have accomplished so much to improve the lives of thousands of children and adults in our network.
Here is a brief summary of what we have accomplished TOGETHER this year.
We served over 10,000 people through all our programs. Hitting ONE MILLION meals served since we began, and 350,000 of those meals from this year alone. Whether it was delivering nearly 37,000 lbs of protein to our partner homes and bases, or the MARKED peso store selling more than 60,000 items, receiving a report from the government that 95% (thousands) of children among our communities are officially enrolled in school compared to only 250 in 2016 through our school partnership champaign. It is almost overwhelming to see. In addition to school supplies, tuitions paid, medical cases resolved, multiple rescues and successful rehabilitation our family has grown. Our soccer community has grown in significant ways as well, not only did they win their first championship, but we have now grown to 3 all seasons select teams. This is all because of you. This tough crowd of boys and men are now serving their communities and have gone from tormentors to heroes. It is beautiful to watch unfold. Driving down the streets hearing old men yelling “MARK-ED, we are so proud of you.” This group of once gang bangers are bringing unity to an entire village community.
In addition to what we accomplished together this year, we also as a MARKED family had a huge victory with Micheal gaining his freedom back and returning to Mexico this past September. Our family all together again. It was magical. Thank you to all who prayed for this incredible moment.
We cannot thank you enough for the love you have poured out and the lives you have changed because of your generosity. We cannot wait to see what 2020 brings.
So here is to a new year, new growth and abundance. For every seed you plant, may you see an abundant harvest.
With Love,
Micheal and Jaclyn Miller, and the MARKED Family
For highlights visit us on instagram @HelloMarked