Why Soccer?

We asked you the other day, what you wanted to know and so many asked, "why soccer?"

And oh is there so much to say here! The most simple answer is because there was a need. There was a need for a healthy outlet for the men and boys in our community to come and play. There was a need to offer something that could connect us with those who played a major role among the families and culture of our community. There was a need to offer something that they loved, and could relate to, to build trust. There was a need to meet them where they were at. Soccer has been a key that opened the door to create a new strategy that is releasing a new culture among those we reach.

The initial door to soccer opened to us after we lost one of our village community members to kidney failure a couple years back, he was 22. It was a really difficult day, but that day, turned into weeks, and weeks to months and months to years, and those years have led us to the beautiful story we now share today.

Out of that difficult experience, we began to build relationships with many of the older boys in our community. We began building relationships with some of the hardest cases. Day by day more men and boys would show up to play.

MARKED culture was taught, games were won, and celebrations were had.

This month, another major door opened to us, as the head of the municipal’s league asked us to take over for him. That MARKED’s reputation had grown and that the league wanted help facilitating culture but also that everyone wanted to wear the MARKED jersey. They wanted to grow in skill and be apart of our celebrations.

This means, that as of today, our reach for just soccer alone among men, women and children makes up 7 mens teams, 6 women’s and 8 children’s teams in addition to our MARKED team. Our reach is well over 300 individuals. 300 hearts. 300 lives.

This opportunity to impact families, getting to the root systems and mending hearts has only begun. But we cannot wait to see where this leads.

Would you pray for us? We are going to need it :)

If you would like to give towards our soccer league (balls, trophies, equipment, jerseys etc) I will attach the link below.