Back before we knew what we were doing, back before we knew anyones names, back before we had a process in place. There was a lot of trial and error. But somehow there was so much grace! We learned together. They taught us and we taught them. It has been a beautiful exchange.
marking hands so we knew who already went through to receive their meal.
When we first started it was a simple drive through the villages with orange rubber bins filled with sandwiches and oranges. It was a quick hello, a handing of a meal, and a run back to the vehicle so that we wouldn’t get trampled on. Over time, the visits lengthened, and the conversations began to happen.
Little by little trust began to grow. These towns had been bombard with “help” for many years and they learned to trust no one. The “white savior” mentality of those that came before us was evident. The simple thought that we were coming in to “take over” or that we “knew better” broke us. Hearing the stories of those that tried to “help” were years long filled with heartbreak, disapointment and devastation. We knew that in order to gain trust, we had to go slow. Simply showing up, loving them in the most simplest ways, meeting a need and asking questions. We didn‘t come in with an agenda other than to love and to listen.
As they taught us, we taught them. The concept that there was always enough and everyone is welcome was the starting point. That lines created safety and made space for everyone. That thankfulness is a virtue.
Today, we as a community are still growing together. Leaning in, listening and learning from each other. We each come to the table with something to offer. No matter the age, we lean in. There is always so much to learn. We adjust and amend when needed. We stand firm on our values and lead in love. Trust has been birthed and we have experienced the power of partnership.
This way of leading is how we have gained influence and have seen culture from the inside out be transformed. It has been a complicated and beautiful experience, doing life with those we fiercely love.
It hasn't always been the “popular” way and definitely not the easiest, but it is one we would do over and over again. These years of investment have been worth it all, because they are worth it all.