Happy almost Black Friday!
We know for many this years ‘shopping traditions’ may look a bit different than years past, a lot more online and a lot less in person. But we hope that as you shop this year, that moments are still special, and that the gift giving experience is filled with joy and anticipation for those you are giving to.
Many have reached out this year to find out how they can shop but also give back. So we wanted to make it easier for you to know how to shop and give back and put it all in one place. Here is a simple breakdown with clickable links of how you can partner with MARKED this holiday season.
1. Shop MARKED: Every dollar spent is equivalent to 1 meal.
100% of proceeds go towards the kids and community.
2. Shop Amazon using Amazon Smile, selecting MARKED by heaven as your charity of choice:
By shopping on Amazon Smile, all your regular Amazon purchases give back. Nothing changes for you, Amazon simply donates a percentage of every purchase to MARKED!
And you can shop using Amazon Smile all year round.
3. Shop our Amazon wishlist to purchase a gift for our community center this year:
These items are via Amazon Mexico. All items on the list are listed in Pesos. If you have a question on how to order due to the site being in Spanish, feel free to reach out!
4. Want to give a onetime gift online? Click the link below.
5. Want to become a monthly partner?
6. Want to give via text?
Text any amount and the word MARKED to 45777
(example: marked 50 to 45777)
7. Want to mail a financial gift?
Mail to:
9217 Irish Creek Lane
Redding, Ca 96001
8. Want to mail a physical gift?
Mail via FedEx or DHL Mexico to:
Samuel Luna/MARKED
Ramón corona 219 poniente colonia centro,
Poncitlán Jalisco Mexico 45950
Thanks again for believing in us, our kids and communities. Your on going partnership means the world.