Summer Rhythms

How has your summer rhythm been different this year compared to years past?

For us, normally our summers are slower. Kids are running freely throughout the community. In and out of our centers and bases at a much more lax pace. A time of year where most children are working thus leaving our routines at the door, and introducing slower rhythms. Rhythms of sitting at the table together, eating a meal with everyone crammed around the same tables, games and conversations galore. Because we simply have the time to be together. No where to go, no school schedule to keep. It is a beautiful time of connection.


This year, however has looked so different. Weeks of not being aloud in the communities due to COVID, keeping our connection through phone calls, daily check in’s and regular supply drops had become our new rhythm. This month, the government gave us permission to re-enter. But to do so slowly. To be cautious of the high-risk communities, and to keep gatherings to a limited number of people. Social distancing still exists as we carefully reintegrate back into the communities that have captured our heart. Empowering families with basic needs and resource.


We are teaching new rhythms to a community of people. How to keep connection all the while not putting those we love at risk. It is a new season, but one that has been prayed over, discussed and strategized. Not only among our staff, but in partnership with the local government and officials. It has been a time of learning and teaching. A time of listening and speaking up. A time that may have felt at times lost, but has fully been reinvented and redeemed. This summer may not have been the typical slow rhythm we had been anticipating, but it has been a fruitful one filled with dreaming about what is to come.

Though we are excited for Fall to get here, we are loving every moment with the smaller groups of children who daily are right in front of us. A time of learning and listening to who they are as individuals and their dreams for the future.

Happy 4th of July!


Wishing you a happy 4th of July!

I don’t know about you, but for us this is one of our favorite holidays. Celebrating with friends and family alike! After these months of quarantine we are excited to see family and celebrate together. There is nothing better than good food, friends and family sitting around the table celebrating together.

What are some of your holiday traditions? How is this years celebration different than years past for you?

We know this year may look and feel different, but we hope that regardless you are able to celebrate and make new memories together.

Happy 4th!

In Her Own Words: Meet Veronica

This Summer we have the privilege of having one of our girls who has been apart of the MARKED community for over 10 years intern for us! Meet Veronica. This is her story. But more than her story, this is also your story. Those who have sown seed into lives like hers. This is what it is all about.


“Hello, my name is Veronica and I am 1 out of a quarter million children who were in a orphanage in Latin America. I was born in San Antonio, TX to an American father and a Mexican mother. I am the oldest of 4 kids. 

When I was 8 years old, my parents were taken to prison because of their involvement in illegal activities which caused me to be separated from my brothers and taken to a foster home for 6 months. 

 I didn’t get to see my parents during that time; which was difficult since I had never been separated from my parents or siblings before. I was just a kid and didn’t understand what was happening and thought I was never going to see them again.

 This was the last time I saw my dad.

When my mom got out of prison, my siblings and I moved to Mexico with her to live with my uncle in the northern part of Mexico. A few months after we moved there my uncle was killed causing us to relocate.

 As we were still processing my uncle’s tragic death, we received another wave of heartache when my youngest brother passed away in 2009.

 Early one Sunday morning, I heard a really loud noise. I woke up and saw my little brother, Alex, on the floor. 

He had been playing on the bunk beds with my sister and my cousin. They were jumping from one bed to another and my cousin pushed my brother off the bed, he fell and hit his head. 

We took him to a hospital downtown, and they told us that he had internal bleeding and needed brain surgery.

Due to lack of equipment they could not perform the surgery there, my mom had to take him to another hospital 6 hrs away in an ambulance.

 When I got there fifteen minutes later, I saw my mom in tears and I asked her, “How is Alex doing?” She said, “Alex is with God now.” 

 That was the worst moment I had ever experienced in my whole life! 

 I cried almost a river of tears because I knew that I was never going to see my little brother again. 

About 10 minutes later my mom had told me that she had decided to donate all of his organs.

We were at a children’s hospital and there was a kid that needed a heart in that hospital and my mom had decided to donate my brothers’ heart to that kid.

 I had never felt so much anger towards anyone. I wondered “Why would God take my brother's perfect heart and give it to another kid?”

 I was heartbroken and angry at God; I could not understand why this was happening to us.

Sadness did not stop there, as a couple months later, my mom was arrested in Mexico and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. It was very tough not only losing my dad, uncle, and brother but also my mom at this point. 

 My anger grew stronger towards God, I could not understand why he allowed so much suffering in my life. 


I was only 12 years old when I took the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings and essentially being their mom for 5 years. 

 February 8th of 2010 was the day I got to the orphanage. 

I was visiting my mom in prison since I had not seen her in a year and towards the end of our visitation an american lady came to prison and took us to the orphanage.

This was the first time I met Jacyln and Micheal Miller. I was scared of what this place could be like. During the car ride I asked Jacyln many questions about the orphanage. I asked if they treated the kids well? If they fed us? And if it was safe?

She assured me that this was a safe place with loving people. When we got there Jaclyn got us dinner and introduced us to the other kids and staff.

Jaclyn was always my safe person from the “outside” who I could always trust since she was always around. 

The first year was very difficult since I had to process all of the tragedies that had happened within the past 3 years and had to figure out what was the new normal for my family. 

This year was also the first time I heard about Jesus, but to be honest I did not really care about this since I truly believed that He did not love me or my family given all the trauma we had gone through. 

We would go to church every sunday, have devotionals everyday, was christian homeschooled but I could care less about religion.

During that year my mom received a sentence of 40 years. 

This made my anger grow towards God, I hated Him. 

Until one day I was sitting at a table when one of the girls at the orphanage who had been through far more difficult things than me, came up to me and asked if she could read the bible to me.

I said “yes”, and she read Isaiah 41:9-10 “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said “you are my servant” I have chosen you and have not rejected you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

When I heard those words, I could feel God's love in a tangible way. I felt a warm hug and knew it was The Lord. After that I decided to learn more about Him and unlock all of the potential he had stored for me. 

This is the moment where I knew that The Lord had called me to Missions.

I started learning how the orphanage ran, the things MARKED would do for orphanages and communities and many other organizations like Samaritan's Purse, YWAM,etc. 

Before I started my Sophomore year in High school the orphanage had lost my birth certificate and apparently in Mexico, if you do not have a copy of your original birth certificate you cannot enroll in school. So, I did not go to school for a whole academic year. 

This was very difficult for me since I loved school, I loved meeting new people and learning new things and I had thought that my education was the only thing I had control of in my life. 

 However, I had seen that our community was hungry both physically and spiritually. So, I started a community soup kitchen for children, and I learned how to cook, by cooking meals for over 250 kids every day. 

I was in charge of most of the kids from the orphanage, working at the front desk and teaching a bible study to the kids of the orphanage and 270 from the community. I later trained others to teach a discipleship program through Samaritan’s Purse.

Discipling these kids was a huge blessing for me because I got to experience first-hand what sharing the Gospel was about.

I would have around 270 kids show up every Tuesday evening wanting to learn about God, and how that applied to their lives.

 Later on during that same year, I met a family at the orphanage that was there for a mission trip from Washington State. They took my siblings and I out of the orphanage and welcomed us into their home. 

This process took about 3.5, as it was not easy, but it was a huge blessing. I have been living in Washington State since 2014 with a family that cares for me and my siblings. 

They have done everything they can to offer us a better life for us so that we will not end up like our parents.

I am now a Senior at Washington State University studying International Business and Entrepreneurship. 

I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Paris, which was a huge blessing. I could have not been any happier. I traveled to 12 different countries, learned about different cultures and most importantly had amazing food everywhere! 

I am the President of the Entrepreneurship club at Washington State University. We meet and try to come up with innovative ideas. I currently lead a Young Life College small group at Washington State University. 

In the future I plan to start a non-profit. I am passionate about working with non-profit organizations to make the world a better place by empowering people across the globe, especially in developing countries. 

The summer of 2018 I had the opportunity to work in Haiti helping another orphanage become sustainable by creating new business ventures where I started a coffee shop in Jacmel, Haiti.

It's now been 10 years since the first time I met Jaclyn and Micheal Miller and yet this summer I have the opportunity to intern for MARKED in Redding, California.

I am creating & developing a holistic business plan for a MARKED store, that benefits both the community, and MARKED as well as provides jobs and mentorship for the MARKED soccer team. 

During this internship I am learning and working about non-profit leadership development, strategy, anthropology, sustainability and international business with MARKED. 

God has been amazing to me and my family, I can now tell you that he does not hate me. He loves me very much, because I am his daughter. 

My siblings and I have a great relationship with my mom who is still in prison In Mexico. We try to go visit her when we can. She’s now accepted Christ in her heart.

She leads bible study in prison and is always wanting to share the Word with my siblings and me. 

 After I decided to Follow Jesus and accept him as my Lord and Savior, I saw the verse Esther 4:14 over my life where it says,

‘Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created”




We used to stop by the side of the village dirt roads, open the back of the van and young children would line up for the sandwiches and oranges we had to offer. Over that first year, we watched as many of those children quickly went from young children to youth before our eyes. 


Andre says he will never forget that moment, as his life was quickly changing and he was slowly becoming the man of the family. 

He remembers the first time we pulled up in the van, his younger brothers and sister ran out the door to line up, his mom asked him to go and get a sandwich but he refused. He didn’t want anything from anyone then. His mom went and got both him and his dying father a sandwich. Unsuccessfully she tried to tear off little bites and feed it to Andre’s father, a few days later, his father would pass. 

Andre says his next memory of us was a little less than a year after his father died. We had a team from out of town helping us serve food at our base across the street from his house. Andre was angry and doubted any and every person doing anything nice for him, he said they were not safe and didn’t believe they would every stay around. 

So that afternoon he decided to come down to our base and give one of our friends a mouthful of what he thought about them. Our team members overheard and took him to the side to try and have a conversation. He gave our team member a lesson on what was her business and what he thought of her as well. You could say we didn’t get off to a great start.  

His mom began volunteering with us and Andre found any excuse to continue to come around and cause trouble; throwing rocks at the little ones, making fun of whatever we were doing, bothering the kitchen volunteers, basically whatever he could do to bring some kind of attention to himself. It was his cry for help. 

Over time, more and more conversations were had. He had dropped out of school and too was going down a path that broke his mama’s heart. 


One afternoon he finally let his guard down, and said, “How can I be sure that you will follow through with what you say and will be around long enough to make a difference?” “How do I know that you actually care?” Our response was simple, you will just have to trust us. 

6 years later, he is still around. We have gone through highs and lows with Andre but today he trusts. He is turning into an incredible leader and has hopes and dreams for his future and not just for himself but for his family and community. He is one of our key soccer players, is finally back to studying, and is working on a career in coffee. He has been MARKED in a way that his mom says she never thought possible. She says his life has been transformed.

*Name and photos have been changed for safety.

Learning their Voice.

We recently asked our community members to share with us their experience with MARKED. Here is what one of the men in our community had to say. To our partners. Thank you for making what we do possible, each and every day. You are changing the lives of many. You are giving indigenous people their voice back.


“Seeing injustice in marginalized places such as the communities in which we live and work makes us see that most of the time poverty and lack of opportunity is why the system prefers that the voices of our people stay silent. MARKED has not only broken cycles of poverty throughout, but has given so many opportunities with the programs they offer for our community to have an education and a voice. In addition, they have given voices back to so many people that for years have remained anonymous and silent for fear of being seen or heard. Today, many of our people are now being seen, have been given identity and have found their voice. From the simplest to the most necessary of cases, we now are able to go to the doctor and express our disagreement with the treatment, where before we were not aloud due to the community in which we live. MARKED has not only given opportunities but has given boys like Ronaldo the ability and confidence to take his father to the IMSS (healthcare and social security) and express his voice by asking that his rights be respected and his attention be like that of any other Mexican in this country. MARKED is helping us learn that we are important.”

**Note: This photo was taken from a community celebration day. NOT a protest.



Jose is a rock. He is hard with jagged edges. He’s made of basic elements but heavy enough to be thrown into the water and reach the deep. Jose grew up in a house filled with violence, drugs, abuse, and tragedy. He’s hidden under the covers from bullets. He has been a shield of protection for his mom against a drunk and outraged father. He has cried himself to sleep only when no one could see him because he carries guilt and deep sorrow for his younger brothers death. Drugs were an easy choice to numb a whole childhood of pain. 

After years of drug use, it became an identity until it became a personality. Jose  would walk through the empty or crowded streets and still be alone. Day after day and night after night, he stayed high, low and everywhere in between. Even the days in between where a fix could not be found, he couldn’t see himself. He describes it like looking in a fragmented mirror. When we looked at Jose, we could see those missing pieces. We could see he was a leader and deep thinker from day one.  Week after week he would show up at practice, most of the time high and his body rebelling against the physical strain.  He would cough up blood, sweat tears, and his extra lack of coordination always left him injured, bruised, and bleeding. Month after month he would consistently come and go. Disappear for a few weeks and return as if nothing had happened.  When we would go look for him, we would either find him lost to the world on a rock that sits on the side of the main road or we would leave a message with “friends” we knew were covering for him. 

One afternoon after practice we told him when he was ready for help, we would be there for him. He told us later that he pondered those words for days. He asked how, why, for how long, what would help look like? One weekend the whole soccer team came to our teams house to stay, and Jose came along as if it was no big deal, but it was his cry for help. Jose sat outside, in the corner, on the stairs, hood over his head, sometimes rocking back and forth and sometimes talking to himself. The whole team remembers that night. Though there was so much uncertainty, it was that night everything changed. Jose ended up staying at our team members home for weeks. 

And those weeks were filled with lots of previously unchanneled energy, nervous and impatient comments, really long naps, a crazy meticulousness for cleanliness, slammed doors, will versus will, eating as if he’d never eat again. But somewhere between the clash of wills, we began to notice new patterns: Jose would wake up before everyone else in the house and read chapter after chapter of his Bible out loud, in the evenings he would read to our teams youngest daughter, a bedtime story, he would make the chore list for the tribe of boys staying at the house every weekend, wrestling and laughter in the grass as the sun set, politeness with a knock on the door to ask to have a conversation, family meals that he would patiently wait until we bowed our heads in thanks before taking the first bite and then putting his fork down after every subsequent bite. 


It may sound silly, but all those little things were big hurdles for Jose. It meant that strength was Godly in both restraint and love, it meant family was safe, that there would always be enough food, that messes were the result of a weekend well spent and that together there was nothing we could not conquer. 

He was afraid to go home, and we would be lying if we didn’t say it made us nervous. But it was time. Since his first time home there have been slip ups, joints smoked, but there has also been a change of friends, there have been “NO’S” screamed in a whisper, and little by little deep changes in identity. 

We make time every week to talk about his week. His relationship with his Dad, work, school, girlfriends, his drug using friends, slip ups, soccer, anger, girls, the future, the Marines, and there is never judgment, just conversation. And we end every conversation reminding him how much we love him and wrap our arms around him in a huge bear hug. The tribe is also there. The soccer team; who have watched him on his worst day and his best.  They are there to sit it out with him when he says no, and wait for him until he takes the last drag of a cigarette. He knows he has a family who is fighting for him. For full transformation and freedom. He has not given up. 

Name has been changed to protect & honor identity.

Sometimes They Just Need an Advocate

Written by Sam: Community Program Coordinator


One afternoon in February, while in my office, a young girl who we have never seen before knocked on my door requesting to have a meeting. When I invited her in, she introduced herself as Rumina and that she was 14 years old. Within a few seconds of introducing herself, she burst into tears. It took a few minutes for her to catch her breath, but when she did she began to tell me why she was here. “ I heard you help people go to school.” She explained that a few days earlier she and her mother had to leave their home due to domestic violence surrounding her education. Her mother advocating for her to go to school, but her father not seeing the need and insisted she go to work to help provide for the family. Rumina was desperate for someone to intervene. With tears in her eyes again she said, “please, can you help me go to school? I want to continue studying so that I can become a nurse.” But I need someone to help me register.

After sitting with her for what felt like hours, hearing her story, I told her to go home, collect her papers and that if she was serious to meet me tomorrow and I would help her enroll in school.

The next day, she arrived back at our offices at the exact same time, with all of her papers. We began filling out all the applications and went and submitted the same day. A few days later we received word that she had been accepted for fall enrollment!

Over the past few years we have seen an increase in desire to go to school among the kids in our communities. They are begining to understand that education is often the tool that breaks the cycles of poverty that they have grown up in. The idea that there is more to life than running drugs, selling fish or begging on the street has begun to spark interest among those we work with.

Though the cultural norm is still for children to work, we are seeing more that there is just a lack of understanding and the task of enrolling your child into school feels daunting for many who have never gone to school themselves. We have learned that sometimes they just simply need an advocate. Someone that grabs them by the hand and shows them where to go. We love that we get the opportunity to be that for them, to share with parents the importance of supporting their children’s dreams all the while teaching them how important education is and giving the parents the opportunity to go to school as well. It’s a delicate dance, but one we believe in advocating for, and one that is bringing change to the families and the generational lines in our communities.

A Hurting Family and a Soccer Team Who Took Notice.

Written by Carlos: Our director of Soccer Operations and Entrepreneurship

Mayra has four kids. Mayra had four kids. Mayra is an alcoholic. But this story isn’t just about her.

Santi is the oldest of four siblings. Everyone says they know who Santis’ dad is, except Santi. We met Santi a few years back at our community kitchen where he would bring his younger sister who was 1 years old at the time to eat. He was one of the kids we knew who always came hungry. The ones we knew were only getting the food we provided to eat each week.

One day however, Santi came by the community kitchen after practice and brought a bucket of small homemade donuts. Our MARKED soccer boys bought every last one. His mom made him try and sell the donuts again the next day, and the next, and the next. When the soccer boys could no longer buy him out, Santi was sent to a town nearly 40 minutes away to sell donuts and beg for loose change, most times with his younger sister in tow. Santi was 7 then.

There were many times the soccer team remembers walking past Mayra who would be propped up against the wall, passed out drunk. Santi was afraid to leave her so there he would stay, holding his wailing, soiled, hungry sister. One day Mayra went to this same town, filled with Americans and Canadians to beg for money and didn’t come home. Weeks later she would return, hair dyed blonde, pulled up in a new car with her new gringo boyfriend; grey hair, shorts, socks, crocs, and a floppy hat, you get the picture. This was the last time they saw Mayra.

It was then Santi and his siblings moved in with their grandma.

Today, they are happy, fed, healthier, and able to be kids, maybe for the first time ever. Santi is excited about being able to start school for the first time next school year. Santi is now 9. It is not easy on the widowed grandmother who now has 4 little kids to care for, since her husband passed of alcoholism a few years back. But thats when our MARKED soccer team started to notice. It was then they reached out to me with their idea.

Ronaldo, one of our players, has watched the situation unfold and knew he needed to help. He asked if we could get donations together and deliver it to her. Together they bought oil, flour, rice, beans, veggies, fruit and Ronaldo arranged it in little wooden boxes. He delivered the boxes to Santi’s grandma and she gleamed with joy, not just from the gift but because who the gift was from… her community. It was different than a handout, it was a hug, provisions for a meal to soon be shared, a “see you tomorrow.”

Disclaimer: As a culture they are taught to not smile in pictures. But she was HAPPY! We also will not be posting a photo of the children/ Santi for safety and privacy purposes.

Disclaimer: As a culture they are taught to not smile in pictures. But she was HAPPY! We also will not be posting a photo of the children/ Santi for safety and privacy purposes.

Santi returned the boxes a few minutes later with a huge smile on his face and wrapped his arms around Ronaldos waist, eyes closed. It was one of the most genuine hugs I’ve ever witnessed. A hug for a hero. A hug for a role model of a different way of life than he had witnessed before from his community. Someone from his same street championing change.

We know many stories have layers, and this one certainly does. Today, Santi is still apart of not only our community kitchen but also plays soccer with our littles. We pray for Mayra, for her safety and redemption to this families story. And we celebrate our boys who took notice and acted on what they saw. Every day they surprise us with their growth and the transformation that is taking place in their own hearts. Hungry for more, and being forerunners for change. This is what it is all about.

How a Sandwich Led to More.

Nearly 7 years ago, we met Maria de Jesus or as we call her Chuy, a mother of 5 children, 4 of which were elementary age, their faces always reflected a smile although we quickly learned that those smiles were simply on the outside. Their situation was grave, and they were barely surviving. Her husband had passed less than a year before we had really gotten to know them. She was a widow with a home to support in a community where women are constantly violated in every way, her spirit screamed for help. Longing for something more. 


It became evident that every time MARKED’s truck arrived she was the first among her community to meet us as she wanted to make sure her children would be the first to receive a couple of sandwiches and fresh fruit. She would tell us each visit, it was because she wasn’t sure when her children would eat next. 

As our visits increased, Chuy not only ran for physical food but she wanted to be spiritually nourished and loved as well. Every visit, she looked for a way to help distribute food or whatever was necessary. She expressed that it was her token of appreciation and her expression of love. 

When we made the decision and had the ability to change from a sandwich to a plate of hot food she was the first volunteer in our kitchen, eager and ready to serve. Everyday Chuy showed up because she wanted to invest in her community, not knowing where it would lead. 


Today, Chuy along with her beautiful family have been transformed. Because of her eagerness to serve and be apart, and because of our monthly partners, we were able to offer Chuy a job, today she helps lead our kitchen. 

This job empowers a single mother and widow to provide for her family. Her children, now enrolled in school, no longer needing to work because their mom is now providing for them. She is leading by example, and giving her children the opportunity to be kids, something she never had. We are watching the cycles of poverty in her family break, because of her simple yes, desire to learn and eagerness to grow.

We celebrate Chuy and the massive strides forward she has made over these past 7 years. And we have you, our partners to thank!

Homework Club.

A message from Sam, our Community Program Coordinator.


Since the day we arrived to the San Pedro Itzicán community, God has opened the doors and hearts of the people, but He has also opened our eyes to see beyond and discover the needs that each person or group has or has had. As we spent time and made relationships we quickly discovered that the desire for school was significantly decreasing and that the quality of teaching was also on the decline.

In our research, we saw that not only was academics on the decline, but there was an increased amount of children, specifically in the 4th and 5th grade that did not know how to read or write, pre-teens who were about to enter high school who did not know how to divide or multiply. It was after our discoveries that we decided to offer an after school program; specifically homework club, where the children and teens alike had a safe place to study, a place where they would not be judged for not being at their academic level, a place where they would be taught and instructed with love and patience.

At first when the idea was proposed, I thought it was kind of crazy. How were we going to convince a group of kids who were already uninterested in school to attend an extra class after school?

But on the first day, we had 3 children show up for class. Then those 3 quickly became 10 and those 10 spread the word about our after school program, telling them that this opportunity was the best thing that had happened to them. Soon parents were coming to our base every day to ask what they could do so that their children could attend. We went from having 3 children in class to having 3 shifts of 15 children per class for 4 days a week, and today we now have a waitlist of those desiring to attend.

To me, it is incredible how love, patience and a small snack can achieve so many things. Today, the value of education is on the rise, we are seeing grateful parents, and interest in teachers wondering what we are doing so that these children want to study more.

To find out how you can help, visit:

Transformative Spaces and Conversations.

Often we find that the spaces we least expect are those where the most beautiful relationships are birthed. A while back we opened our doors to any volunteer from the community who wanted to come serve while their children attended our weekly programs. What that meant for them, was any leftovers would be sent home with those who were serving all the while they learned how to prepare a new meal or two in the kitchen. But more than that, it offered a place of community for a small group of women to feel connected and loved. 


When we opened our doors to the San Pedro community, we met Angelica. A mother of 4 children. Very young herself, she, like the other children would run to the center when our vans would arrive. 

Paty, our community kitchen coordinator, shared about a conversation they had had... 

“I knew a little bit from the comments that were made over the past few months, that Angelica like many women in our communities lived in a home with domestic violence. Her husband, an alcoholic and extremely abusive. 

One day while she was helping prepare food for the children she asked me, 

“hey do you have many things in your home?”

At first I was taken back by the comment, and wasn’t sure how to respond. So I said, “like what things?”

She asked, “Do you have a bed just for you and Samy? Do you have a room just for you and your family? Do you have a lot of clothes? Do you have a stove?” 

She simply wanted to know if I had what most would consider the basic necessities inside our home.  I explained to her that we were very fortunate to have a good job, and that God has provided everything we needed through my husband and I working. We talked about the importance of a job to provide for our families and how that a job is often how God gives provision and resources.

Though I thought it was an interesting question over cutting vegetables, it was her last question that caught me a little off guard.  

“Hey Paty” “yes” I replied,  “Does Samy hit you?”

I responded back, quicker than ever. “No, never! What’s going on Angelica?” 

This was the start of a deeper conversation, and many hours together. The lies she was told since childhood that it was normal for your spouse to beat you, we learned was the cultural norm among our communities. This devastated our hearts. And knew it was time to open up a dialogue among those we worked with. 

This story doesn’t end here however. This story is still filled with so much hope. Today, we (Paty and Sam) meet with Angelica and her husband on a regular basis. Their story is now being re-written, filled with restoration and love. Their story now tells about a husband and father who is no longer abusive, and is now along with Angelica providing for his family to give their children a better life through the local berry farm. Though some days the struggles from the past still try to creep in, we remind them who they are. Today, hand in hand we are walking with them, teaching them about life with Jesus and hope for their future. We see Him working deeply in their hearts. 


Next time you are at the grocery store, and pick up driscoll berries, would you pray for Angelica and her family? Their story like many of ours is just beginning to unfold.

Their Generational Line has Forever Been MARKED

One day in November 2018, a woman with a sweet timid demeanor approached our MARKED team member and told him that she was the mother of 3 young boys, 8, 12 and 14 years old. As we continued the conversation she had informed us that her husband 7  years earlier had crossed the border into the United States in search of a good job that would allow him to help provide for his family. Leaving her to raise 3 sons on her own. 

With timidity in her voice, she began to ask what she had to do to enroll her sons in the MARKED soccer program as she was worried like many moms that if not soccer, they would be headed down the path like so many others in the community of a life of drugs and organized crime.

Sam, our community program coordinator gave her the necessary information for her sons to enroll, and without thinking invited her personally back to spend time with our team and help prepare food for the community kitchen.


The following day, there she was, ready to help with anything necessary. And since that day, she has been back nearly every day since. Her once timid demeanor began to blossom into full strength. Her boys grew a love for soccer and quickly became part of the team. Through her daily visits, she said the thing that kept drawing her back was how safe and loved she and her boys felt. They belonged. 

Over the past year, she was trained on how to run the community center office as well as educational tasks. Today, she runs our homework club. Her children attend school, as well as the after school programs and every day her boys soccer skills are improving. 

She says more than anything her family has found a safe place in MARKED but more than anything, they found Jesus and are never looking back. 

Their generational line has forever been MARKED.

One in a Sea of Faces. Meet Santi.

Photo taken 2018

Photo taken 2018

Meet Gibran or as his friends like to call him, Santi.

His story, like many among our community, started with heartbreak. Santi is the oldest of 3 and at his young age was forced to carry the responsibilities of an adult due to the lack of a father and an alcoholic mother. When we met Santi at the young age of 6, he never knew what it was like to play ball or hide n’ seek. He came to us in search of affection and honestly food for his family to eat. When we met them, Santi was in charge of taking care of his mother when she was drunk. We would often see him following her down the streets of the lake as she stumbled her way around, deep into alcohol, making sure that she would not fall, get lost, or worse, be abused. Not only that, but Santi was in charge of working to feed his siblings and maintain his mother's vice. 

Over time however, we noticed Santi coming around more often. Little by little he would linger a little longer. He simply wanted to spend more time with our MARKED staff which allowed us the opportunity to get to know not only he and his siblings, but his mother as well. As we built relationships with this family, conversations about God, and His radical love for them would come up. Topics of value, and identity. But also what it meant to be a mother. Responsibilities and the honor it is to love and care for your children. 

Today, we are happy to report that Santi is not only enrolled in school, but his mom is now sober and working to care for her family. 

You will find Santi daily at our community table. He and his brothers are always the first to arrive and usually one of the last to leave. His favorite part is participating in telling the Bible story. Santi has expressed how thankful he is to God most for how good He has been to him. We know the road is long for this precious family, but we also know that there is so much hope and redemption still to unfold in their story.  

Everly Brave. The Adoption.


Adoption has been a core desire since before we were married. From our organization working with the orphan community in Mexico combined with Micheal having been adopted himself we have always known that adoption was going to be a part of our families story. 

For us, the journey of building our family through adoption has been filled with challenges, road blocks and heart breaking dead ends. Some of this is in part due to the fact that we have never really taken the easy road. We often find ourselves unintentionally on the "road less traveled" taking on difficult situations fueled only by love, passion and the burning question "if not us then who?". 

After pursuing an international adoption in Mexico for nearly a decade only to find ourselves at a dead end over and over again we decided to pursue a more traditional route in domestic adoption. At the end of April 2019 we hired Fallon, our incredible CAC consultant, filled out the paperwork and went through the process of completing our home study. Everything seemed to breeze by and in August we were matched with a baby girl due October 17. We were elated. Not only were we matched with what we thought was our dream baby but the process for the first time in our lives felt like it was just simply running smoothly.

About 2 weeks before the baby was due to arrive we packed up our things and went to await her birth in San Antonio, TX. We were so excited, nervous, hope-filled, terrified and and and... However, just about a week before she was to be born something changed. The mom stopped responding to our agency all together. She didn't answer or return calls, text messages and most oddly didn't show up to receive her regular weekly support.  After many attempts to make contact the week went by, the due date had come and gone and still there was only silence from the birth mother. Once again after all we had done and all we had been through we found ourselves with an all too familiar sense of disappointment and ultimately a second failed adoption. Packing up an empty carseat and flying home once again.

Micheal wrote this a few days after our return home: 

"The truth is that we are broken. We have way more questions than we have answers. All we can say is BUT GOD. When we don’t understand, BUT GOD. When we are filled with sorrow and anger, BUT GOD. When we feel like maybe the God that we trust isn’t so trustworthy after all, BUT GOD. We still believe in His goodness. We still believe in His kindness. And we still believe that His plans are better than ours and when there is nowhere left to lean we lean in further to Him. I don’t get it and maybe thats ok. Because what I do know is that the fruit of faithfulness is always greater than the pain of process.”

A few more months went by and it seemed that cases were coming in slower than ever and every case that we did see had one of the only two things that we had predetermined were our absolute “no’s”. Through the pain and rawness of it all, we remained hopeful. 

Fast forward to the morning of February 10th, 2020. Micheal came into our bedroom and woke me up, “did you see the email? It was an email from the agency where we had had our disrupted adoption. It read: “Have you all had a placement? If not, I do have a situation that arose last night with a hispanic baby girl born on Saturday. Please call me if you would like more information.” We called immediately. This agency had only a few hours to find a family, though she didn’t tell us at the time, we were the only family in her file that was Texas home-study approved to receive this baby. Was this our BUT GOD story? We got off the phone with the agent and called Fallon immediately. Was this a safe case to pursue? The answer was a loud YES.

This was the start of the craziest 24 - 36 hours of our lives. In less than 2 hours later and in a mad scramble to clean, shower and pack (not my typical enneagram 1 style!) we were on our way to the Sacramento airport on the first flight out to head back to San Antonio, a place we never thought we would step foot again. After a long travel day with every possible Delay due to Denver snow we finally touched down at 4:00am. By 9:00am the next morning and with adrenaline running through our veins, we were at the agency’s office signing paperwork. Then after a quick stop for coffee we were headed to the hospital. We arrived to the hospital at 11:00am, and only a few moments later we had our sweet baby girl in our arms. The nurses brought us to a room where we would talk to a few doctors and social workers and by 1:00pm we were discharged from the hospital. With our beautiful, healthy, head full of hair, itty bitty DAUGHTER. For the first time, heading to our airbnb as a family of 3. 

It has now been 2 months since we held miss Everly Brave in our arms for the first time and we remain awestruck at the Lord’s faithfulness. His ability to see through the pain of our deepest human desires and disappointments to the greater good that He has had planned for us all along. Had it not been for our failed adoption back in October, we would not have been Texas home-study ready meaning the agency would not have had our information on file and according to the agency this perfect baby girl, full of promise and hope, would have ended up as just another child in the sea of faces surrendered to the foster care system.

This is our story of hope, faith and redemption. Hope that even in the midst of hard questions and uncertainty that God is still good and He holds us. Faith that what He has done for us and our baby girl that He will do again for many more. Then redemption in all the areas of our story no matter how big or small God proved once again that the fruit of faithfulness is always greater than the pain of our process. 

Our lives have forever been changed.

To see more videos/ photos of the adoption visit our personal instagram pages: @Mrsjaclynmiller or @Michealgmiller under highlights

How are you?

How are you doing? We wish we could check in with each of you individually during this crazy time. We know for many across the world, things feel scary and uncertain. Isolation via quarantine can often feel lonely, and with many loosing their jobs the unknown is more than some can bare. So today,

We are praying specifically for you.

And are declaring Psalm 91 over your life.

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

We pray that you will look back on this time as a time of rest, innovation and dreaming. A time to be remembered for all the good that came out of this season of uncertainty. A time that you saw His goodness first hand.

From your family at MARKED, we love you and are cheering you on. Let us know how we can be there for you during this time.

Space is running out

We are thrilled to see that our 2020 calendar is filling up with beautiful faces that are wanting to join us at our bases in Guadalajara this year.

If you, your church, family and/or business are still wanting to travel down this year, please reach out to us as soon as possible because our hosting calendar is filling up quickly and we would still love to host you!

The easiest way is to fill out our form online:

But you are also welcome to send us an email at

We look forward to hearing from you soon and we hope to see you in Guadalajara this 2020!

BEST Academy Partnership

English classes are a hit in the villages, especially when teacher Miriam leads the fun! Currently Ms. Miriam from BEST Academy visits the community center every other week and brings two great classes for the kids and adults to attend. 

The first class she gives is nutrition which is always accompanied with a delicious and healthy recipe that the students prepare and make together. Ms. Miriam gives them practical tools and easy to understand information to help them make life changing choices in their health and nutritional habits.

Ms. Miriam brings 15+ years of educational experience to the classroom and is backed by an amazing team of professional educators with BEST Academy. Her English classes are fun, interactive and leave the students wanting to learn more. 

Our staff and students who attend the community centers educational classes have already learned so much from the team at BEST Academy. We are excited for the next project where BEST Academy will help equip, train, and implement physical education classes once a week in our partner elementary school 21 de Marzo in the village of La Peña. Not only will we be able to hire a local teacher to give the PE classes, but it opens up a wonderful opportunity for our soccer boys to volunteer as a teachers aide working alongside the teacher and learning what sports in a professional and educational setting is really like.

We truly appreciate BEST Academy and their investment in our community, in the lives of the children and youth, mothers who want to learn and implement better nutrition for their families. 

Transformation through Soccer.

Teaching our boys how to honor and love. How to celebrate and how to be gentlemen this past Valentine’s day. Looked like flowers and heart shaped suckers for the ladies in the village.

There is a shift in the atmosphere. As you can feel the days warming up and the drastic approach of the contrasting cooler desert nights, so is the changing climate  brought on by the unlikely few. They lace up their cleats, share high-fives and shin guards. When you look at them standing next to each other, you can still see distinct differences. Most of our boys are generally skinnier, shorter, and darker. You can blame it on malnutrition, birth defects, drugs, genetics, hard physical labor, or any of the other factors that commonly precede a first impression of them, but the colors and shapes seen are being blurred by unity. Unity and brotherhood forged on and off the field.

What we thought related us to them has now related them to their own community. Sometimes in rivalry but most of the time in respect, common love and common dreams. Dreams that will lead them into a future where they will not only have shared past experiences and victories, but also brotherly love, tears and loss, empathy… the grounds on which their future lies. They are the future leaders of their communities. But where previous generations have kept their distances between outskirt villages and municipality city centers, this generation is crossing lines. And more than crossing lines, they are calling each other friend, family.

Our boys have been taught to gather around the table, take your place as a son, serve one another, be men of character, pray together, give all glory to God… “Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King.” 1 Peter 2:17 And they are infectious with their loyalty to that creed. Onlookers take notice and those closest to them are challenged to the call. It’s one thing to play against a challenging team but it’s a whole different story when you change jerseys, colors, and say “I’m with them.” “Soy MARKED.” The beauty is in what is yet to be seen. These same young men who will one day remember when they sat at each other’s table, no matter how humble it or the food was, will carry that into discussions and planning of community development, political decisions, standing for justice, fighting together to see cycles broken and lives empowered. 

Introducing the Newest Member of MARKED

We are over the moon to introduce you to the newest member of the MARKED family.

Meet Miss Everly Brave Miller.


Micheal and Jaclyn are thrilled to introduce their precious daughter to you. Born on February 8th 2020. She is pure gold, and wonderful beyond our wildest expectations.

In the coming weeks we will be sharing more about our journey to our girl. But for now, we are resting, snuggling, and bonding with this perfect gift.

If there is one thing we know, it is that adoption is the BIGGEST gift , greatest adventure and unlocks the heart of the Father unlike anything we have ever experienced before.

More to come. SOON. <3

Love the Miller Family.

In the meantime, to read a little more you can visit our GOFUNDME site for updates:

In Their Own Words.

“What marked most of my life was drugs and the gang life. It led me nowhere and in the end I was left with nothing. When MARKED came to our small town, I was given moments and opportunities, confidence that has fundamentally changed in my life. They are like a second family to me.” - MARKED SOCCER TEAMMATE



“I still remember the day my father died. I still remember how it feels to have the world fall apart around you. And then everything continue to crumble bit by bit as each circumstance got harder and harder. 

After my father died, even though I was only 8 years old I had to quit school so I could work and help my mom feed my younger brothers and sisters. I had always dreamt as a kid of being in the military and held on to that dream as a teenager but again was left without any hope because I was far from the required high school degree needed to enlist. Years passed and I kept going, barely keeping my head above water with long hours in whatever day labor job I could find that week. I fought depression and alcohol addiction but most days were a losing battle. What seemed like the last ounce of fight I had, was lost when my closest brother died at just 22 years old, the same day my son was born. I was now the oldest male in my entire family. 

But a glimmer of hope rose with my son. And then came my involvement with MARKED. I got clean. I love my son, as well as my family, and I love my MARKED family. I don’t even know how to thank them for everything they’ve done for me. Because of  MARKED I was able to go to GED school and I am now working on my primary diploma. In addition, I was also able to study to be a barber through a program in Guadalajara that allowed me to work with MARKED during the week and go to school on the weekends. I coach and play soccer for the MARKED team. And just recently they helped me get my drivers license. My life was going in one direction, today I am living a new life with my family and I am forever grateful.” -MARKED STAFF AND TEAMMATE


“My life was different before MARKED. Different than now but just like everyone else’s around me. Drugs, dad gone, started hating school, nothing to do and nothing to look forward to. I had always played soccer in the neighborhood but never with the guys from MARKED and one day they just invited me to play and for some reason I said yes. I sometimes think it’s like a new life started for me after that day. After that day everything changed for the better, I made so many new friends, my mom started volunteering with MARKED, I hadn’t seen her happier in years. I got better at soccer, and then came tournaments, championships, I got into the high school I had dreamed of, my parents are proud of me, and most importantly I am surrounded by people who really care about me.” -MARKED SOCCER TEAMMATE