Say "Yes" this Christmas

As we jump into the madness of the Christmas shopping season, it’s easy to become quickly overwhelmed with all the options. Everyone is pulling for your attention, hoping that you’ll choose to purchase your gifts here, not there. It seems like every year there’s a new day of the week that becomes a special day to shop. From Cyber Monday to Black Friday to Small Business Saturday, it’s hard to keep track of it all.

This year, we hope that you’ll remember one important thing: every choice that you make is powerful. From the brands you purchase from to the causes that you support, to the time that you spend with your families during the holiday season, there are so many choices. Everyone is fighting for your “yes”.

The desire to say yes to everything is overwhelming this time of year. Maybe you’re feeling the pressure to give your kids every single special experience that Christmas has to offer. Maybe your Christmas list just keeps multiplying. Maybe you’re drowning in invites to holiday parties every weekend. These are all great things, but as they pile up it can start to feel suffocating.

Someone told me once that for every yes, there’s always a no. Saying “yes” to an extra evening away is saying “no” to tucking the kids in at night. Saying “yes” to all the extravagant gifts might mean saying “no” to financial security come January. There’s all kinds of yes’s and no’s this time of year. Our challenge for you is to choose the yes’s that matter.

Choose meaningful, heartfelt gifts from brands and companies that support powerful causes.

Choose generosity, taking the time to notice and extend a hand to those in need.

Choose connection over all the hustle and bustle.

Choose love, remembering the morning when love arrived and changed our worlds forever.

This season, maybe more than any other season, you have all kinds of opportunities to make choices that matter. Choices that you’ll remember for years to come.

Looking for a cause to support?

We’ve been hard at work preparing a HUGE Christmas celebration for the kids in our communities in Mexico. We’re giving over 2,000 gifts this year, and we need your help! We have socks, underwear, new clothes and toys for the kids, seed starters for the parents to start their own family gardens, and (of course!) a huge meal for everyone to share! It’s going to be incredible. Want to get involved?

Click here to support Marked Christmas