At the end of last year, we knew that our role in the San Pedro community was shifting. For the first time in a long time something significant happened. The government officially assigned someone to oversee the community centers. They took our program, even bettered it in ways, backed it with government funding and ran with operations. They opened up classrooms, began teaching all sorts of classes, even down to the barber shop and gym. No longer were we needed to fund operations, but the local community stepped up which for us was the goal all along. We turned over our keys in February and blessed their work, releasing it back to the community.

We have seen the pride they have taking ownership for what was theirs all along.

But for us, the conversation didn’t stop there. We knew our strategy was to empower —> sustain —> transform, and that it was then we would initiate our exit plan to repeat in a new location. But we didn’t quite feel the full release. We knew there were still a few things that we wanted to see take place in this community before starting a new. And so that was were the conversation turned discussing with our staff.

Our goals before we fully released everything back to the community was that we wanted to confirm kids were being fed at home, that the community had a place to feel safe and encounter Jesus, and that we would see a 90% or higher rate of kids staying in school once they were enrolled.

We weren’t sure how we were going to do that, but God did.

The week we turned over our keys to the center, a few mama’s in the community found us a new home. The directors of the schools reached out and asked if we would be in partnership with them on bringing in school lunches to the children enrolled in school. (Something we had already been praying about). And the next step was history.

Casa MARKED was born.

(Continued next week!)

Group Trips | First team since the pandemic

2 years ago we had a trip planned, and for 2 years we had to keep postponing one trip after another, after another. But the timing as they say, really couldn’t have been more perfect.

I got a phone call a few weeks before the trip from the Rojas family saying that they really felt like it was our staff that they were to pour into on this trip. Little did they know the 2 years they had had. A pandemic, transitions, significant loss and so on. So when they said, it was our staff that was being highlighted to them, I could have cried.

Upon their arrival, it really was our staff and their families that they took into consideration. Every detail from gifts, to conversations, but most importantly their time.

We planned a surprise staff day to take our staff and their children to the zoo! Marcie surprised the kids with little animal figurines, lunches were packed and off to the city we went. For most of our staff kids, they had never left their little village town let alone go to the zoo. Their eyes were filled with wonder. The smiles beamed from ear to ear. You could hear the little whispers and the uncontrollable giggles. It was one of those moments that you want to give every little (and big) kid. It was a dream come true.

They helped shop for the groceries, make, pack and pass out over 1,000 lunches in a 2 day window.

They prayed over, shared their hearts and worshiped with our staff. They created a safe space for them to land.

We shared meals around the table, walked the city streets, and laughed so hard we cried.

Did I mention they also brought their 4 year old and 11 month old? They understood missions.

The weight of an entire family coming together, carries a different kind of significance, and after 2 years of no teams, it was a breath of fresh air to our souls. A family was coming.

Thank you again, Rojas family for investing in our staff and their families. You have MARKED their hearts and lives forever.

Interested in going on a trip this year? Or want to plan something for 2023? Send us a message!

Updates |

Where has the year gone? It was like we blinked and winter was slowly coming to an end. We have had a full couple of months. Have you felt that this new year? Can you believe we are already into March!

We had the privilege of hosting our first team since the pandemic hit. (Will share more on that later!) and have already served over 9,000 meals since the start of this year.

We have built new relationships and strengthen those of old. We watched and prayed as God miraculously heal one of our “soccer guys”/ community member of a traumatic brain injury that should have left him dead.

We have seen reformation take place in the community among the government. Where they have fully taken ownership of their communities and centers, bringing resource and aid, mirroring many of the programs we first modeled, which was our goal all along.

We have linked arms with the local schools and weekly are serving over 1,000 school lunches to those we are in partnership with.

It has been a beautiful season, filled with His faithfulness and it has only just begun. I can’t wait to share more with you soon!

2022 Family Planning.

Do you have a tradition you do with your family at the start of each year?

For Micheal and I, we love to map out our year. We know it often doesn’t go the way we “planned”, but there is something about dreaming together as a family, writing it down and being in agreement in our thoughts and prayers. I thought it may be fun to give you a glimpse into our world, in hopes that it ignites something in yours.

The set up:

Our anniversary is in January, so for us this is a natural time to get away. We typically plan a night or two away to get us out of our “busy environment” at home.

We bring a 12 month calendar, a white board, white board markers, our Bibles, pens and paper, as well as communion items.

Some of our discussion topics:

  1. What are we hearing from the Lord for the year? Both individually as well as for our family and for our businesses and ministry.

  2. What trips do we want to take this year? We do our best to map it out. *Clearly a priority in our home! ha. But also this helps when last minute work or friend trips come up, for us to say a quick yes or no.

  3. We go over our budget: monthly and annually.

  4. We go over goals: personal, family, financial, business and ministry. We usually come to the table with 3-5 of each to discuss.

  5. We set prayer targets for the year. For us individually, as a family, our businesses, as well as for our family/friends, and all our MARKED partners.

After the discussion and making a mess of notes on the white board:

  1. We write it out. We write out our vision for the year, our goals and prayer targets. We love what Habakkuk 2 says, “Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

  2. We then pray over each other, the year and take communion together.

It may seem funny, it may seem formal, but I think it has become one of our favorite days of the year together. What makes it even more fun, is looking back on the previous year and seeing all the answered prayers, all the goals met and the growth we have each accomplished personally in our lives and as a couple.

I would love to hear if there is something you do as a family/individual each year to start fresh!

Thank you for being love.

What a decade it has been. With your support both financially and of your time, we have accomplished so much to improve the lives of thousands of children and adults in our network. Because of you, we had the privilege of celebrating 10 years this November as an organization. A decade of dreaming together and moving towards sustainable transformation in the lives of those among the communities in which we serve.

Over the last 10 years, TOGETHER we have helped enroll thousands of children and adults in school, provided countless jobs, served well over ONE MILLION meals, tuitions paid, sports programs created, medical cases resolved, multiple rescues and successful rehabilitation. Churches have been planted, schools and businesses have become a constant partner, and the government has given us the keys to their communities.

These 10 years have come with its own set of challenges and sacrifices, but even so have proven to be absolutely beautiful and miraculous. Roots have gone deeper, branches have been mended and healthy fruit has begun to grow.

We cannot thank you enough for the love you have poured out and the lives you have changed because of your generosity, all the while entrusting us these past 10 years. We cannot wait to see what 2022 brings. We know a major harvest is coming.

So here’s to a new year, new growth, abundance, and dreaming more extravagantly than the decade before.

For every seed you plant, may you see an abundant harvest.

With Love & Happy New Year,

Jaclyn and Micheal Miller, & the MARKED Family

Merry Christmas.

May all your dreams come true.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

Feliz Navidad, The MARKED family

May All Your Dreams Come True.

May all your DREAMS come true. 

Celebrating a Decade of Dreams Together.

What a decade it has been. With your support both financially and of your time, we have accomplished so much to improve the lives of thousands of children and adults in our network. Because of you, we had the privilege of celebrating 10 years this November as an organization. A decade of dreaming together and moving towards sustainable transformation in the lives of those among the communities in which we serve. 

Over the last 10 years, TOGETHER we have helped enroll thousands of children and adults in school, provided countless jobs, served well over ONE MILLION meals, tuitions paid, sports programs created, medical cases resolved, multiple rescues and successful rehabilitation. Churches have been planted, schools and businesses have become a constant partner, and the government has given us the keys to their communities. 

These 10 years though have not come without sacrifice, have been absolutely beautiful and miraculous. Roots have gone deeper, branches have been mended and healthy fruit has begun to grow. 

We cannot thank you enough for the love you have poured out and the lives you have changed because of your generosity, all the while entrusting us these past 10 years.  We cannot wait to see what 2022 brings. We know a major harvest is coming. 

So here’s to a new year, new growth, abundance, and dreaming more extravagantly than the decade before. 

For every seed you plant, may you see an abundant harvest.
With Love, 

Jaclyn and Micheal Miller, & the MARKED Family

Before The Years Ends


“Through empowerment and sustainability we carry redemption and restoration, breaking cycles which leads to wholeness. And through wholeness, generosity and honor we gain favor with people creating an orphan-less world and a legacy re-defined. This is transformation. This is revival.” 

- Jaclyn and Micheal Miller | Directors and Founders MARKED

A decade of dreams fulfilled because of your generosity and love. Because of you we have accomplished so much. As we close out 2021, please remember us in your year end giving.

100% of your donations are tax-deductible and go directly towards the work we do. 

All donations made on or before December 31st 2021, will go towards your 2021 tax-year. 

TO GIVE | | text any amount and the word ‘MARKED’ to 45777 | Click link below

Happy Thanksgiving.

This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Simply stopping in to quickly say we are THANKFUL for you. For every sacrifice you have made in saying yes to partnership. We are just forever grateful.

We hope today you are surrounded by loved ones, celebrating the year and reflecting on all the good this year has brought you and your family.

We love you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Give Back While You Shop | A Breakdown 

Happy almost Black Friday!

We know for many this years ‘shopping traditions’ may look a bit different than years past, a lot more online and a lot less in person. But we hope that as you shop this year, that moments are still special, and that the gift giving experience is filled with joy and anticipation for those you are giving to.

Many have reached out this year to find out how they can shop but also give back. So we wanted to make it easier for you to know how to shop and give back and put it all in one place. Here is a simple breakdown with clickable links of how you can partner with MARKED this holiday season.

1. Shop MARKED: Every dollar spent is equivalent to 1 meal.

100% of proceeds go towards the kids and community.

2. Shop Amazon using Amazon Smile, selecting MARKED by heaven as your charity of choice:

By shopping on Amazon Smile, all your regular Amazon purchases give back. Nothing changes for you, Amazon simply donates a percentage of every purchase to MARKED!

And you can shop using Amazon Smile all year round.

3. Shop our Amazon wishlist to purchase a gift for our community center this year:

These items are via Amazon Mexico. All items on the list are listed in Pesos. If you have a question on how to order due to the site being in Spanish, feel free to reach out!

4. Want to give a onetime gift online? Click the link below.

5. Want to become a monthly partner?

6. Want to give via text?

Text any amount and the word MARKED to 45777

(example: marked 50 to 45777)

7. Want to mail a financial gift?

Mail to:
9217 Irish Creek Lane
Redding, Ca 96001

8. Want to mail a physical gift?

Mail via FedEx or DHL Mexico to:
Samuel Luna/MARKED
Ramón corona 219 poniente colonia centro,
Poncitlán Jalisco Mexico  45950 

Thanks again for believing in us, our kids and communities. Your on going partnership means the world.

The Miller's Adoption Story

Adoption has been a core desire since before we were married. From our organization working with the orphan community in Mexico combined with Micheal having been adopted himself we have always known that adoption was going to be a part of our families story. 

For us, the journey of building our family through adoption has been filled with challenges, road blocks and heart breaking dead ends. Some of this is in part due to the fact that we have never really taken the easy road. We often find ourselves unintentionally on the "road less traveled" taking on difficult situations fueled only by love, passion and the burning question "if not us then who?". 

After pursuing an international adoption in Mexico for nearly a decade only to find ourselves at a dead end over and over again we decided to pursue a more traditional route in domestic adoption. At the end of April 2019 we hired our incredible CAC consultant, filled out the paperwork and went through the process of completing our home study. Everything seemed to breeze by and in August we were matched with a baby girl due October 17. We were elated. Not only were we matched with what we thought was our dream baby but the process for the first time in our lives felt like it was just simply running smoothly.

About 2 weeks before the baby was due to arrive we packed up our things and went to await her birth in San Antonio, TX. We were so excited, nervous, hope-filled, terrified and and and... However, just about a week before she was to be born something changed. The mom stopped responding to our agency all together. She didn't answer or return calls, text messages and most oddly didn't show up to receive her regular weekly support.  After many attempts to make contact the week went by, the due date had come and gone and still there was only silence from the birth mother. Once again after all we had done and all we had been through we found ourselves with an all too familiar sense of disappointment and ultimately a second failed adoption. Packing up an empty carseat and flying home once again.

Micheal wrote this a few days after our return home: 

"The truth is that we are broken. We have way more questions than we have answers. All we can say is BUT GOD. When we don’t understand, BUT GOD. When we are filled with sorrow and anger, BUT GOD. When we feel like maybe the God that we trust isn’t so trustworthy after all, BUT GOD. We still believe in His goodness. We still believe in His kindness. And we still believe that His plans are better than ours and when there is nowhere left to lean we lean in further to Him. I don’t get it and maybe thats ok. Because what I do know is that the fruit of faithfulness is always greater than the pain of process.”

A few more months went by and it seemed that cases were coming in slower than ever and every case that we did see had one of the only two things that we had predetermined were our absolute “no’s”. Through the pain and rawness of it all, we remained hopeful. 

Fast forward to the morning of February 10th, 2020. Micheal came into our bedroom and woke me up, “did you see the email? It was an email from the agency where we had had our interrupted adoption. It read: “Have you all had a placement? If not, I do have a situation that arose last night with a hispanic baby girl born on Saturday. Please call me if you would like more information.” We called immediately. This agency had only a few hours to find a family, though she didn’t tell us at the time, we were the only family in her file that was Texas home-study approved to receive this baby. Was this our BUT GOD story? We got off the phone with the agent and called our consultant immediately. Was this a safe case to pursue? The answer was a loud YES.

This was the start of the craziest 24 - 36 hours of our lives. Less than 2 hours later and in a mad scramble to clean, shower and pack (not my typical enneagram 1 style!) we were on our way to the Sacramento airport on the first flight out to head back to San Antonio, a place we never thought we would step foot again. After a long travel day with every possible delay due to Denver snow we finally touched down at 4:00am. By 9:00am the next morning and with adrenaline running through our veins, we were at the agency’s office signing paperwork. Then after a quick stop for coffee we were headed to the hospital. We arrived to the hospital at 11:00am, and only a few moments later we had our sweet baby girl in our arms. The nurses brought us to a room where we would talk to a few doctors and social workers and by 1:00pm we were discharged from the hospital. With our beautiful, healthy, head full of hair, itty bitty DAUGHTER. For the first time, heading to our airbnb as a family of 3. 

It has now been over a year since we held miss Everly in our arms for the first time and we remain awestruck at the Lord’s faithfulness. His ability to see through the pain of our deepest human desires and disappointments to the greater good that He has had planned for us all along. Had it not been for our failed adoption that previous October, we would not have been Texas home-study ready meaning the agency would not have had our information on file and according to the agency this perfect baby girl, full of promise and hope, would have ended up as just another child in the sea of faces surrendered to the foster care system.

This is our story of hope, faith and redemption. Hope that even in the midst of hard questions and uncertainty that God is still good and He holds us. Faith that what He has done for us and our baby girl that He will do again for many more. Then redemption in all the areas of our story no matter how big or small God proved once again that the fruit of faithfulness is always greater than the pain of our process. 

Our lives have forever been changed.

If you have ever considered adoption, it would be my honor to talk to you. Now, an adoption consultant myself through the same organization we adopted E through, you can reach me at , I would love to explore the conversation with you. What a month to do it! #NationalAdoptionMonth

A Decade of Dreams

Cheers to 10 years.

It is hard to believe we have been at this for a DECADE. It still feels like yesterday when I was mailing off our application, document packet, and check. Hoping on a plane to Guadalajara that same afternoon hoping that we would hear back from the Secretary of State sooner rather than later, but fully anticipating it to be sent back with a list of things we needed to change, correct, or amend.

Much to my surprise, 2 weeks later, arriving home from our trip there was a certificate of incorporation waiting in my mailbox. MARKED was officially born.

These 10 years have held some of our highest highs and our lowest lows. It has met us with challenges we never could have anticipated and miracles unimaginable. It has brought us closer, made us stronger and has led us to the feet of Jesus time and time again.

It has been 10 years of YOU showing up, 10 years of lives impacted, 10 years of needs met, 10 years of bellies filled, 10 years of lives empowered and transformation taking shape. It has been 10 years of dreaming, and 10 years of dreams fulfilled.

It moves me to tears thinking back on the past 10 years. The relationships built, and the faces that are forever changed because of it.

To say I am grateful is an understatement. What an honor it is to do this with each of you who choose to say yes to partnership. I am forever moved, forever thankful and forever honored by your yes.

Heres to the next decade of dreaming together and lives transformed.

Back to the Basics.

A few weeks ago we as a staff were talking and praying about a few things together. We were discussing strategy in this next season with schools going back into session, the needs of the community changing once again and where we were to stand in all of it.

It was then that I felt the Lord say we were suppose to go back to what we did at first.

But what does go back to what we did at first really mean?

It was then that the conversation turned to the need increasing of bellies being fed once again. With the pandemic, jobs lost, medical needs arising, we realized it was the Lord preparing us to do exactly what he said, go back to what you did at first.

As we were in discussion our kitchen coordinator said, I feel like we need to start delivering sack lunches again.

And it was in that moment we all came into agreement that that is exactly what He meant when he said go back to what you did at first. Only this time, elevated. Rather than meat and cheese on white bread, our communities have grown to love vegetables. So this time, it is a sandwich with added nutrients through vegetables, fruit, popcorn for a snack and a protein bar of some sort.

Each meal packaged, and hand delivered. Back out in the community, participating in house calls and connection with the most vulnerable. No it doesn’t mean we are stopping what we are doing. It simply means we are willing to adjust and meet those where they are at. For us it is always about listening, growing and leaning in when we hear Him speak.

We cannot wait to see the stories that come out of simple obedience, because if we have learned anything, it is that we can trust His plan, knowing He is in it all.

Hilario Morales Guzman.

The MARKED family is sad to share the news of the passing of our friend, Hilario Morales Guzman. Founder of Fundacion Emmanuel Guadalajara. Our hearts go out to their family and all the children whose lives he impacted.

We are so thankful to have had the privilege to do life with the Guzman family for over 15 years.

Hilario’s testimony from a double life sentence to encountering Jesus and being released was just the beginning of the story. Committing his life to care for those in prison, who were homeless and without parents was his life’s message. MARKED wouldn’t be what it is today without him opening up the doors to us all those years ago, and giving us keys to his heart and home.

Would you join us in praying for each of the children who lost a father figure as well as his family today?

Have you ever considered?

Empower |  Sustain  |  Transform  |  Repeat

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Although we do have our own and intend to build more bases and centers, we believe that to truly change the world we must carry vision not to just build more structures but rather empty the ones that already exist through a model of empowerment, sustainability and whole families.

We believe in reunification when possible, adoption when necessary and family always. All the while, teaching, training, equipping and empowering families in high risk communities with the tools to succeed, no matter the cost.

For us at MARKED, this comes in a variety of ways, both in Mexico as well as the United States. It has been such a fun season partnering with Christian Adoption Consultants here in the US to match expecting mama’s with adoptive families so that these children never have to know the world of foster care and that these mama’s who make the difficult choice to place have a support system standing behind them.

If you have ever considered adoption, but didn’t know where to start, I would love to talk to you!

The Safety of Presence

I received a message from a staff member this week that read:

“I have come to the bank in the plaza near my house multiple times and have met new faces of those who are from the San Pedro community who have received some government help and are needing to withdrawal their support from the ATM but have no idea how. They have waited, some for hours, until someone shows up that they know they can trust. This is my second occasion as of late when I arrived in my MARKED t-shirt where I have been approached, asking for help. The part worth mentioning is that these people only know us by our (MARKED) name. We have never met prior. But simply because they saw my shirt, they felt safe. Being present day by day in San Pedro has created a reputation that even if our paths never crossed prior, we are safe and they can trust us knowing that we are for them and we desire to help.”

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There is something so special and so important about the safety of presence. There is something so significant and powerful when you are reminded that even if they are not apart, they are watching. That how we choose to love daily, echos throughout all eternity. Our prayer as a staff is that with every person that we meet, they would feel known, safe, loved and protected. That they would encounter the ONE who holds peace, love, and authority. That their lives would be transformed simply by encountering Love.

We just want to say THANK YOU.

We just want to say THANK YOU.

Thank you for loving our communities well. For supporting, engaging and carrying us in your hearts each and every day. We could not do what we do without you and for that we are forever grateful.

If there are ever things you would like to know more about, or hear updates on, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We do our best in keeping you up to date! But know that our world moves fast and that we often miss things!

Again, from the bottom of our hearts. We say thank you. And not just from our staff, but also from our kids and communities as they too recognize that it take a village to do what we do, and they know you are a big part.

We love you.

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Opening up our 2022 Travel Calendar

We are SO excited to finally host you again!!!

After a year in lockdown and new procedures we are finally ready to see your beautiful faces! We would love nothing more than to host you, your family, your church, school or business.

For more information you can email us at or click the link below!

We look forward to planning your trip with you!

We have a need.

After our centers re-opened post the pandemic we have noticed a surge of families not only desiring but needing to share a meal with us on Friday’s before going into the weekend.

Many families have lost their jobs or have been barley scraping by to provide for their families. Though I would say their physical bodies are hungry, we are also watching their spiritual bodies desire more as well.

With that being said, we have never had to turn families away for lack of food and this is another one of those seasons where we are believing for multiplication. Would you believe with us for that?

Here is what we are asking of you:

1- That you would join us in prayer for multiplication. We have seen it time and time again and we are confident that we will see the miraculous in this.

2- If you aren’t a monthly partner, would you consider partnering with us? 100% of your donations go to the communities in which we serve. In addition, we have no set amount that you have to give to be apart! Which means you can give $5/mo to $5,000+ a month!

3- Share with your friends! Would you share with your friends about the work we do at MARKED? We have found that the best connections come out of personal relationships!

For those of you who love numbers, it costs us around $7.00 a month per person who attend our feeding programs. Right now we are growing anywhere from 20-50 individuals a week.

For more information: