Families. Churches. Businesses. Friends. And More.
You are officially invited.
Each year we get many messages in regards to group trips and families wondering if it’s appropriate for their family to come down and serve. And our answer is always, YES!
We love hosting groups of all ages, and multiple generations. We believe strongly that one of the best things in life is experiencing another culture, serving that culture, and doing it with those we love.
We love hosting groups of all ages, and multiple generations.
The memories that are formed from trips like these are those that last a lifetime.
We work hard to specialize each trip to the needs of those coming. Meaning if your desire is to spend the majority of the time in homes (orphanages) or village communities we make that happen. If you are looking to come and worship and pray over the city, we can accommodate that too. If you’re looking to put on a soccer clinic, VBS/A, or a camp, our communities would benefit from that greatly, and we would love to see it come to be.
Our bases are equipped and ready for you with a kitchen, multiple bathrooms, beds and rooms, living areas and close walking distance to many juice, coffee shops and cafes for your enjoyment.
There is something beautiful when people work together, to serve others. This is a type of teamwork development that you cannot get anywhere else.
Would you consider joining us this year?
For more specifics on group trips, you can head to: www.marked.org/grouptrips
Q & A:
What are the approximate trip costs and time frames:
- 3 Day Trip | $295
- 5 Day Trip | $495
- 7 Day Trip |$675
-10 Day Trip | $950
* Prices do not include airfare
What does that cover?
- Room and board
- Standard ministry activity finances
- Marked related transportation, in addition a ride to and from the GDL international airport
Have more questions? Feel free to reach out! Sign up today: www.marked.org/grouptrips